College Movers

Affordable Hourly Labor

Our Pricing

Pricing Varies By Region

Select Your Location.

Don't wait for quotes or estimates

Simply Pay Hourly for Moving Help

X 1

1 College Mover

  • $45

/per Hour

X 2

2 College Movers

  • $90

/per Hour

X 3

3 College Movers

  • 135

/per Hour

X 4

4 College Movers

  • $180

/per Hour

X ?

5 or More

Check Availibility

Moving Today?

We charge an additional $5 per mover per hour for same day request

Don't wait for quotes or estimates

Simply Pay Hourly for Moving Help

X 1

1 College Mover

  • $45

/per Hour

X 2

2 College Movers

  • $90

/per Hour

X 3

3 College Movers

  • $135

/per Hour

X 4

4 College Movers

  • $180

/per Hour

X ?

5 Or More

Check Availibility

Moving Today?

We charge an additional $5 per mover per hour for same day request”

Not Sure How Many Movers To Hire?

How to Estimate your Workload

Because every move is unique, estimating costs can be a challenge. Since College Movers has provided quality labor assistance for hundreds of jobs, we can help. Our experience has helped us create an estimating tool based on the size of your space, how many rooms are involved, and the typical needs. Take a look at our Estimator chart and don’t hesitate to call. College Movers will help you get close. And remember, our movers will stay until the job is done without increasing hourly rates.

Is the Hassle of Moving Weighing You Down?

Let Us Do The Heavy Lifting For You.